Dragon Ball Daima is a new and upcoming entry in the Dragon Ball anime universe that tells us the story of Goku and the gang from a different point of view. It is the last Dragon Ball anime to be directly supervised by Akira Toriyama who passed away this past March, and gives fans all the more reason to be excited for more Dragon Ball to honor the late creator this fall.
Dragon Ball Daima will feature the cast of Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, and more of our favorite Dragon Ball heroes as they find themselves young again. It’s not known why they have become younger, although it’s nothing like fans have witnessed during Dragon Ball GT when Goku is reverted back to his childhood days when he met Bulma for the first time. While previous iterations of the Dragon Ball title have a meaning such as Z, GT, and Super, Daima doesn’t have a specific meaning in English–other than the kanji meaning “evil”.
The Japanese dub voice cast returns with Dragon Ball veterans Masako Nozawa (Goku) and Ryo Horikawa (Vegeta), along with additional voices of new characters including Yomiko Kobayashi (Mini Supreme Kai), Koki Uchiyama (Glorio), and Fairouz Ai (Panzy) to name a few.
Dragon Ball Daima Key Visual & Trailer
The opening theme “Jaka Jaan” will be performed by Grammy-winning producer ZEDD along with C&K (CLIEVY and KEEN), with the ending theme “Nakama” also performed by ZEDD with Ai, who is credited with the lyrics. ZEDD has produced the music specifically for Dragon Ball Daima and has expressed excitement for his involvement with the Dragon Ball franchise.
Dragon Ball Daima premires worldwide on October 11, 2024, and will also be available for streaming on Crunchyroll in North & South America, Austrailia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.
Dragon Ball Daima was revealed during New York Comic Con in October 2023 and featured a message to those who attended NYCC from Akira Toriyama of his deep involvement before his untimely passing this year.
Hello. I’m Akira Toriyama.
I’m currently working on a new Dragon Ball. The title is “Dragon Ball Daima”.
“DAIMA” is a made-up term, which in Japanese characters would be “大魔” or in English would be something like “Evil.”
Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things, they’ll head off to a new world! It’s a grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world.
Since Goku has to make up for his petite size, he uses his Nyoibo (Power Pole) to fight, something not seen in a long time.
I came up with the story and settings, a well as a lot of the designs. I’m actually putting a lot more into this than usual!
Things will unfold that close in on the mysteries of the Dragon Ball world. Hope you all enjoy these different-from-usual battles that are cute and powerful!!
Are you excited for a new Dragon Ball anime? Let’s us know in the comments!
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