In this episode: The next Dragon Ball Super movie subtitled “Super Hero” is announced, Tetsuya Nomura teases a strong possibility of a Final Fantasy X-3, and Netflix to add a form of gaming to the subscription service after a failed 2012 attempt.
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Anime and More News & Show Notes
Anime News
- New Dragon Ball Movie: "Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero" Announced
- Mamoru Hosoda’s BELLE Receives 14-minute Standing Ovation
- Final Evangelion Movie to Stream on Amazon Prime in 240 Countries
Gaming News
- Final Fantasy X-3 Could Potentially Happen
- Gundam Franchise Getting Global First-Person Based Shooter in 2022
- Atlus Discusses Potential Overseas Events for Persona and Other Franchises
- Value’s Steam Deck vs. Nintendo Switch OLED
- Netflix Exploring Gaming Service Add-On Without Added Fees
Entertainment & Interest News
- BlerdCon 2021 Cosplay Contest Winner Threatened for "Being White" (YouTube)
- Tokyo Olympics Open with Japanese Gaming Tunes
Mentioned in this Episode:
Recommended Watching
Final Fantasy Union: The Curious Case of Final Fantasy X-3
Final Fantasy Union: The Curious Case of Final Fantasy X-0
i feel like square need to stop milking older ff games imo