Ni-Ongaku Spotlight – October 2018 Roundup
Welcome to another collection of songs for the month of October that we’ve posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages for Ni-Ongaku Spotlight! This is also the final post filed under Ni-Ongaku Spotlight, in which going forward, in an effort to shift content from solely Japanese culture interests, Ni-Ongaku Spotlight will be simply be called Music Spotlight.
Since launching the original blog in 2007, “Ni-Ongaku Spotlight” (a play on “Nihon” (Japan) and “Ongaku” (Music) in Japanese) was a way to get back in touch with my discoveries of the Japanese music scene, after being caught in the Korean Wave in 2004. Now that I’m in a place where I can catch up on the latest in Japanese, and Korean music, you can now check out more than what you can find on the Oricon charts!
Without further ado, on to this month’s Music Spotlight!