What is AniBroad?

Back in 2009, AniBroad was launched as an effort to reach out to bloggers whose focus is on not only anime (also called “anibloggers“), but on other interests in the realm of Otaku culture. At the time, there were very few outlets for bloggers such as myself to express their broad interests beyond the scope of the anime fandom, without having to compromise the choice of content in order to be “relevant” at the expensive of one’s taste. It was written in Ruby on Rails and adopted a similar schema to a social content voting site (for example: Digg or Reddit).
Curated Content of Anime and Otaku Culture
AniBroad was in Beta for a few years, but never got off the ground due to external issues beyond control. In 2020, AniBroad will continue on, but with a different approach. Originally intended for bloggers, AniBroad’s goal is to reach to other content creators in the anime fandom and its related subcultures on Social Network Services, such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, and more!
How will AniBroad continue?
At the moment, it will be a closed-community effort involving a small group of friends and fellow onlookers of Centaku Media, as we explore ways to help one another promote their content and adapt the schema for those focused on anime and related subcultures in a limited, slowly growing environment of “pay-to-play” exposure. By the way of “pay-to-play” exposure, it means that there are social networks who make the algorithm in a way where the promoter has to resort to paying a premium just to find an audience, where many people do not have the option of doing so, on top of being frowned upon for using other means that were once acceptable a decade ago.
Why is the project now in a closed community setting?
AniBroad is pretty much in Closed Beta at this point, or in this case–AniBroad 2.0. Due to the addition of other platforms since the incubation of AniBroad, this will allow us to see what works and what doesn’t in order to reach out to an audience who share the same interests.
When will this be relaunched?
For now, AniBroad will reside here on Centaku Media in the form of a dedicated page, featuring content highlights from members of the group. Once the everything works out–which will take some time–membership will expand to others outside of the group, and eventually to the full realization of the project to be launched to the public!
Who will be the first to know of updates to the AniBroad Project?
Subscribing to the Centaku Media newsletter via email (it’s free!) is one way to keep up with content exclusively written here on the blog. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are other avenues to learn more about updates relating to the project, as well as to discover new content from members of the community!