This month I kicked off a new series on the Twitch channel called Anything Goes. Well, it’s not exactly brand new, but a concept I’ve stuck with for a while, but it was due time I made sense of it for everyone else and myself.
For those new to Centaku Media, Anything Goes Gaming are livestreams where I choose one game out of three from my collection–via a randomizer–consisting of games I’ve dabbled in in the past, or haven’t played before. It’s a switch up to the fixed selection of games in my Centaku Media Plays series streamed twice a week.
For the first game that was selected in the new proper series, it was Hover–a game inspired by the underrated game series Jet Set Radio:

For the second game selected, it was A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV. Originally released alongside Final Fantasy XV, it takes place somewhere when Noctis is a wee lad, and Regis entertains him with a unique bedtime story involving… King Regis himself:

I really like to spent more time to play these games, but which one do I play? That’s where you, the reader, decide! I know that this is my space and I can choose what I want to play, but it won’t be any fun if I allow some outside participation. What say you help me select the next game to play to the very end? Check out the poll below and make your selection before the poll expires on March 18, 2021, at 11:59 PM US ET. The winning game will be played on the channel the following day on March 19, 2021, during the Anything Goes stream day–check out the Live page for more information.
Anything Goes - Full Completion Poll #1: Which games would you like to see played in full on Twitch?
- A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV (0%, 0 Votes)
- Hover (100%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 1

Feel free to leave your thoughts of these games in the comments, as well as making suggestions of other games to add to the Anything Goes roster for future livestreams!
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