You are currently viewing A Supernatural Foreshadowing (Spoilers)

A Supernatural Foreshadowing (Spoilers)

In the spirit of sharing things that are beyond just anime and manga, but still in the realm of geekdom, here is something that I’m sharing that’s a little outside of my normal routine, and of something that I have yet to indulge myself in. For those who are out of the loop, The CW’s longest running series, Supernatural, is wrapping up for good in the near future. As usual, there are a lot of memes to be had to last for years to come.

One, but two in particular caught my funny bone when a close friend of mine, Bella Sparkles (@mybellasparkles) shared these memes with me. However, she does not want to share it with everyone directly in fear ruining it for everyone else who has yet to watch or catch up with Supernatural. However, using my stealthy writing techniques, I am sharing this with everyone to soften the blow. Of course, I must warn that the following will still contain spoilers, so read at your own risk! I, however, will not mind this as it will probably be a while before I get into this show. If you’re in the same boat, then proceed!

(And before anyone argues that “this has nothing to do with anime”, we need to recognize that Supernatural: The Animation exists, no matter how good or bad it is. Also, please don’t hate me for missing out! D;)


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The founder of Centaku Media. Sanjo-chan (She/They) enjoys both anime and gaming, including K-Pop and some J-Pop here and there. In her spare time, she infiltrates the whereabouts of a huge flat-bed truck housing a Gundam.

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