Trying something new on the blog to make for interesting conversations in the Centaku Media community. Introducing: The Open Post.
The concept is self explanatory: post in the comments about whatever is on your mind. If you found a new anime you started watching, share it in this thread. Need recommendations? Post here! Want to share some positive vibes? That IS definitely the place!
Other examples include:
What are your plans for the weekend?
How is the weather where you are?
What is your recent purchase? (Be it anime, manga, clothes, or a car!)
Since this is a new concept for the blog, we’re going to see what happens before a second post is made. As to how frequent? Maybe every quarter!
Go ahead and start posting!
To kick things off, I will say that Sunday will be my birthday! I’m really looking forward to it, and I’m looking forward to a little break with all the global drama going on! ?