Gundam 101: Anime Crash Course – 2020 Edition: Movies & OVAs

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Gundam 101: Anime Crash Course

Cast from Gundam: The 08th MS Team

This is the third and final installment of the Gundam 101 series. If you’ve been following this, then I thank you! For the newcomers… the Gundam 101 is a “Crash Course” into the world of Gundam for potential fans or for Gundam vets are not up to date with what’s going on.


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The Seoul Searching Chronicles: COEX Aquarium

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series The Seoul Searching Chronicles

Welcome to part four of The Seoul Searching Chronicles! In this post we went back to the COEX Mall to check out the COEX Aquarium, where we were told that we had to check out during our visit! It’s an aquarium that looks small on the outside, but it was very worth the price of admission (around $20 USD)–and you get to see sharks! Pardon the lack of words moving forward as this was in a format of a “speedrun” so to speak, while at the same time more of being in awe of the attractions. Although I think I took more pictures from this place than anywhere else in Seoul, so only select photos of interest will be highlighted in this post. More pictures and exclusives will be on the Centaku Media page on Facebook following the conclusion of the Seoul Searching series!


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K-Pop Rules The World: How South Korea Overtook Japan in Digital Music Choices

If you are into J-Pop, including K-Pop, then you may be wondering why you don’t see enough content outside of Japan of your favorite artists without having to go to great lengths to obtain the latest release. It might be due to a generational issue of complicated, and possibly financial, reasons. I was originally going to just Tweet about this, but this needs more than 280 characters. So I am going to just write about this in a form of a blog post. It’s about the reasons why K-Pop is as global as it is, with even a handful of male J-Pop bands embracing the style of K-Pop. And it all falls back to an interest in music from another country that is right across from South Korea.


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Read more about the article Music Spotlight: Kay-G – So Good
Korean Solo artist Kay-G (Image Source: Melon)

Music Spotlight: Kay-G – So Good

For this edition of Music Spotlight, here is an indie K-Pop artist that I came across a couple of years back during my personal hunts to fill my phone with a plethora of Korean Music. One of the songs I came across was by Kay-G (케이지), who previously released his debut track back in 2017.


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