[Community Poll] Series Recommendations – Anime Edition

So many shows, so little time! With the inception of the Centaku Media Podcast, I figured this would be a good place to start where I can verbally discuss details of an anime series I’ve waited until–whenever it is decided–to watch. There are many lists out there of good anime recommendations, but I don’t know where to begin! I have a long list of anime that I’ve put “On Hold” or “Plan to Watch” on my personal MyAnimeList account, and some that have come out in recent years that sound interesting–but only makes my backlog worse.


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Pokémon: Twilight Wings – Episode 5: Assistant

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Commentary - Pokémon: Twilight Wings

This was the episode that was delayed by a couple of weeks from the usual mid-month releases, due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. We are in the window of the sixth episode–which looks like at this point a permanent first of the month deal, but first–let’s talk about what Episode 5 tells us of Charmian Rose’s assistant, Oleana.


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Centaku Media Journal: Episode #01

Trying something new for the podcast, although this is not entirely new. The “Centaku Media Journal” has been seen through a couple of formats: published on the original blog as “The CEN.TAKU.ME Journal”, as well as attempted for opening our weekly gaming livestreams. This will be a feature published on a bi-weekly basis to accompany the monthly episodes, highlighting the latest news in the anime, gaming, and Japanese and Korean entertainment industries. This way the main episodes won’t be as long as the pilot episode. ?


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Why Anime Con Goers Need to Attend Metrotham Con

I want to talk about Chattanooga’s newest multi-fandom convention, Metrotham Con, which will be returning for their second installment since the inaugural event in 2019. For those who have not been to a multi-fandom convention, it’s exactly what it is: an event where every fandom is celebrated, whether it is anime, gaming, sci-fi, or horror, a convention like Metrotham Con has it all.


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